Where to start developing a mobile application on Android

Where to start developing a mobile application on Android

Many developers often make serious mistakes even before starting to create a project, because it is very important to correctly analyze competitors and the audience that your application will be aimed at, it is also important to understand at least the approximate time that you are willing to spend on the project, and of course, the payback of the development itself. Let’s start in order:

1. Competitor analysis.

Let’s say you’ve chosen the theme of the application, but haven’t yet decided on its approximate functionality, then it’s time to analyze competitors. It’s worth starting with finding key queries for your future application. Key queries can be roughly analyzed in the Yandex service – wordstat. As soon as you’ve been able to identify 2-3 such key queries (let’s say, “download music”, “download music from contact”, if we’re talking about a music player or downloader), then start downloading the most popular applications and try to identify their shortcomings in order to decide on the functionality of your future application. Pay attention to the number of competitors, there can be a lot of them for popular queries, which will accordingly increase the amount of money you’ll have to spend on promoting the application. Next, study all the available data in Google Play, such as reviews, the number of updates, the release date of the application (usually you can see it approximately through the site apkpure.com), this way you can determine the approximate number of downloads per month and thus understand how much you can earn on this application. Study the descriptions of competitors’ applications, identifying the main keywords in order to use them later in the description of your application, which will make it easier for you to promote by search queries. Ask your friends if they want to use such an application. If you have a brilliant idea for an application and you are eager to start making it right now, then it is better to write this idea down somewhere and put it aside, then look at it again in a week, if it is still tempting, then you can start.

2. Think about how you will promote the application.

There are many ways to promote applications in Google Play, the main ones are motivated installations for search queries, bringing to the top categories in the market, artificially increasing the rating by buying reviews, optimizing search words in the title and description, improving the quality of the icon and screenshots, promotion through social networks and advertising platforms. After publishing the application, use all these methods to the maximum to get a good result. It is advisable to start promoting the application immediately after it begins to appear for search queries. This will increase the chances of getting into various tops.

3. Calculate the approximate development time.

Take time to make a list of the main functions and try to understand how much time it will take you to create such an application (multiply this number by 2), whether it will be able to pay off in the future. Sketch out approximate screen layouts, greatly simplified, so as not to spend a lot of time on this. Of course, if you are a beginner developer, then the experience that you will gain while creating your product will be important to you first of all, but let’s face it, everyone wants to get rich right away). You can make a plan for your work, for this, some task manager is best suited, for example, trello, in which it is very convenient to create tasks for yourself and follow the planned plan.

There is huge competition in the mobile software market, so it is important to choose an idea wisely, evaluate your capabilities and be ready for anything.

Thank you all for your attention and wish you a successful promotion!

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